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Datalayer Toolkit

Datalayer allows you to create custom Open Science Platform for various cases listed on this page. Our platform is Cloud native, 100% compatible with Jupyter and WEB developer friendly.

This documentation site uses visuals from the Datalayer Tech Storybook. The Storybook provides comprehensive visual and architecture design for the available components.

This section details the packages you can use to create Web applications, fat clients.. on personal computers, mobiles, tablets...


If you don't have access to some repositories, please contact us for support.

Report a problem

Open an issue on the relevant repository or on the Datalayer community repository, with the description of the problem you are facing.

Request a feature

Open issues on the revelvant repository, or on the Datalayer community repository, with the description of the feature you are requesting.


Use the metarepo to setup your environment.

Once you are up-and-running with the metarepo, you can develop wit the following commands.

pip install -e .[test]
jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite
jupyter labextension list
jupyter server extension list
yarn jupyterlab