Datalayer AI Agents
KubernetesREST API
Datalayer AI Agents
exposes AI Agents.
Deploy Datalayer AI Agents
plane up datalayer-ai-agents
Check the availability of the Datalayer AI Agents Pods.
kubectl get pods -n datalayer-api -l app=ai-agents
Check the logs of the Datalayer AI Agents Pods.
kubectl logs -n datalayer-api -l app=ai-agents
Check the availability of the Datalayer AI Agents Certificate.
kubectl describe certificate ${DATALAYER_RUN_HOST}-datalayer-api-cert-secret -n datalayer-api
Check the availability of the Datalayer AI Agents Endpoints.
open https://${DATALAYER_RUN_HOST}/api/ai-agents/version
open https://${DATALAYER_RUN_HOST}/api/ai-agents/v1/ping
Tear Down Datalayer AI Agents
If needed, tear down.
plane down datalayer-ai-agents
OpenAPI Specification
The OpenAPI (Swagger) specification is available online.